The Kansas Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation (KSANDF) exists as the philanthropic arm of the Kansas Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (KSAND). It is legally separate from KSAND and is registered as a not-for-profit corporation under the General Not-For-Profit Act of the State of Kansas. It is a tax-exempt entity under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code.

This facilitates KSAND to establish charitable partnerships such as the KSANDF Endowment.

Planning for Tomorrow…
We recognize the value and impact that dietetics professionals have in supporting and advocating for a healthier lifestyle. We want to support education and reward professional excellence. The best want to do this is through our endowment program. With an endowment, the principal is never spent. Instead, only a designated percentage of the fund’s income can be spent each year.

Your Help is Needed…
Do you have a friend, mentor or loved one that you wish to honor? Why not do so by giving a memorial gift or a commemorative gift to the foundation?
Review the KSANDF Endowment program for more information.



Accelerate improvements in state-wide health and well-being through food and nutrition