Nominations are Open! Nominate a peer! Nominate Yourself!

KSAND nominations are open year round to allow KSAND members the opportunity to recognize the leadership skills of their peers at any time. Starting in the month of August, the KSAND Nominating Committee will reach out to nominated individuals to gauge interest and share more about the open positions.

Place yourself or a deserving peer on the KSAND Ballot today!

Ballot Positions:

1) President-Elect     

2) CPI Chair-Elect

3) Nominating Committee + Chair-Elect     

4) Treasurer (every other term/year)

5) Secretary (every other term/year)

6) Delegate (every three terms/years)

Questions about Nominations or the Process… Reach out to KSAND Executive Director at

Open Appointed Positions

  • Marketing Chair
  • Marketing Team Member
  • Region Networking Leader(s)
  • State Policy Representative
  • State Regulatory Specialist
  • Public Policy Co-Coordinator
  • KSANDF Fundraising Chair
  • KSANDF Awards Committee Member
  • Kendra Scott Coordinator

KSAND members who serve on the Board receive Leadership Professional Development. If you are interested in being on the Board this term, a few additional spaces are still available – and so are the recordings to the previously mentioned Leadership Professional Development sessions.

Learn More About The Leadership Time Commitment…

Learn More About Ballot Positions…

President-Elect: The President-elect supports the President in leading KSAND towards its strategic direction and values; serves as a member of the Board of Directors, Executive Committee, Finance Committee, Conference Planning Committee, Advocacy Team, and a Co-Chair on the KSAND Foundation Leadership Team. Appoints chairs and members of committees to serve during term as president; and performs the functions of the office of President in the absence or disability of the President. Plans and executes the Leadership Orientation. Three term position; turns into President, then Past-President.

CPI Chair-Elect: Assists the Conference Planning Committee Chair with planning and facilitating the Conferences, and preliminary planning for the following term Conferences. In the event of the CPI Chair’s absence at any meeting, the CPI Chair-elect will perform the functions of the CPI Chair. Two-term position; turns into Chair.

Nominating Committee + Chair-Elect: Responsible for recruiting candidates to fill the ballot for open elected and appointed KSAND Board position when possible. The individual with the most votes becomes the Nominating Committee Chair-Elect, and the other two candidates become Committee members. The Chair-Elect is a two term position; turns into Chair.

Treasurer: Maintains custody of all funds and securities of KSAND and KSAND Foundation (KSANDF) and keeps complete and accurate records for checking account, investments, KSAND Articles of Incorporation, tax preparation and filing, budget preparation, and other financial records.

Secretary: Serves as Official Recorder and Voting Member of all KSAND Board of Director and Executive Committee Meetings, and KSANDF Meetings during the term. Two-term position.

Delegate: The KSAND Delegate serves as the affiliate’s voice in the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (Academy) House of Delegates (HOD) and as a member of the KSAND Board of Directors (Executive Board). Serves as the Executive Committee Liaison for the Advocacy Team. Represents KSAND as a member of Academy HOD. Communicates KSAND member and prof issues to the Academy. Informs KSAND members about Academy goals/activities, association and practice issues and programs. Liaison in assisting KSAND Board in developing affiliate goals in keeping with national goals based on national trends and or changes in standards of practice, ethics, position statements and availability of Academy resources (align). Three-term position.

As a reminder the Treasurer and Secretary are two year positions and are on the ballot every other term, and the Delegate is a three year position, so it is on the ballot every three years.