Kansas Licensure
For more information about state licensure of Kansas dietitians, contact:
KDADS: Health Occupations Credentialing
503 S. Kansas Ave, Suite 300C
Topeka, KS 66603-3404
Phone: (785) 296-0061
Fax: (785) 296-3075
For online renewal, visit the Kansas Department of Aging and Disability Services.
After the late renewal period, licenses are considered lapsed and would have to be reinstated. Reinstatement application instructions and materials may be requested by contacting Karen Torbert, Licensing Administrator at karen.torbert@dads.gov.
For Employers:
2020-2021 KSAND Nutrition Education Grant
Do you have a project idea for a nutrition education program in your workplace or community? The Kansas Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is proud to offer funding to support the planning and implementation of nutrition education projects sponsored by KSAND members between July 2018 and June 2019. These grants are designed to help position our members and promote RDNs as food and nutrition experts in the eyes of the community at large.
We have allotted funds for at least two grants (up to $150 each) to aide fellow KSAND members in realizing their projects this year. These grants will be awarded on an ongoing basis until funds have been dispersed. Please see Grant Details for complete information on how to apply.